
Chamber’s Major Partners

以下当地公司一直是促进商会支持使命的重要合作伙伴, 吸引, and develop businesses within the Keweenaw!


霍顿市- Houghton is one of the best 100 places to live, according to "的 100 Best Small Towns In America,诺曼·克兰普顿著. Situated on the hills bordering the beautiful Portage Waterway, Houghton offers a bounty of recreational opportunities all year long. 我们著名的海滨为众多兴趣提供冒险和放松,并由各种社区公园和小径补充.

密歇根 Technological University - 密歇根理工大学在创新教育和奖学金方面获得了全球的认可. As a leading public research university, 密歇根 Tech faculty explore the boundaries of knowledge, develop new technologies, 让学生为一个繁荣和可持续发展的世界创造未来做好准备. 密歇根 Tech offers more than 120 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in engineering; forest resources; computing; technology; business; economics; natural, 物理, and environmental sciences; arts; humanities; and social sciences—all with a reputation for extraordinary hands-on learning. 密歇根理工大学7人,000名学生和每个人都可以在校园里享受600英亩的森林和步道系统,以及附近的滑雪场和高尔夫球场. 学生发展综合体允许无数的锻炼机会,并提出NCAA一级和二级体育赛事. 罗莎表演艺术中心为所有人安排了世界级的娱乐活动.

UP Health System - Portage - UP健康系统- Portage是一家多专业医疗中心,自1896年以来一直服务于密歇根州西部上半岛. We are an accredited Chest Pain Center and Level III Trauma Center. At UP Health System – Portage, our mission is Making Communities Healthier®. A few of our services offered close to home are cardiology, 肿瘤学, general and orthopedic surgery, 运动医学, express care walk-in clinics, 成像及其他.
我们的愿景是,我们希望创造人们选择来这里就医的地方, physicians want to practice, and 员工 want to work.

Upper Peninsula Power Company - 在UPPCO, our actions are guided by a vision for our company, a mission centered on our customers, values we share with our local communities, and clear expectations for the way we work and treat one another.

沃尔玛, From our humble beginnings as a small discount retailer in Rogers, Ark., Walmart has opened thousands of stores in the U.S. and expanded internationally. 通过创新, 我们正在创造一种无缝的体验,让客户随时随地在线购物, through mobile devices and in stores. 我们正在为全球的客户和社区创造机会并带来价值. Walmart operates nearly 11,在27个国家的71个横幅下,000个零售单位和10个国家的电子商务网站. 我们雇用2人.2 million associates around the world — 1.在美国有300万.S. 独自一人.


汉考克市, founded in the 1850's by early copper explorers, is a progressive and welcoming City of 4,600 residents on the North shore of Portage Lake, and is the northernmost City in 密歇根. 汉考克有美丽的夏天,因为它靠近雄伟的苏必利尔湖, it has wonderfully snowy winters. 今天, a diverse economy and employment is supported by two Universities, Finlandia University and 密歇根 Tech University, along with the 密歇根 Tech SmartZone, 和运输健康. Hancock is recognized as the regional center for healthcare, with over 1400 jobs in the City connected to healthcare.

IncredibleBank - It's not about our history, it's about us making your history. 但是,如果你坚持的话. 你的神奇银行实际上始于1967年的河谷银行,在罗斯柴尔德有一个单独的地点, 威斯康辛州. 多年来,我们在威斯康星州和密歇根州的上半岛发展到15家分店. 我们是, 在这些地区仍然是一家社区银行,专注于为企业和居民提供一流的银行产品和服务, but now under the name IncredibleBank.

Aspirus Keweenaw is a leader in health care excellence in the Upper Peninsula. 今天, Aspirus Keweenaw系统横跨七个地点- Laurium的Aspirus Keweenaw医院, three clinic locations in Laurium, Houghton and Lake Linden, two outpatient therapy clinics, and FastCare at Shopko in Houghton. With access in and around the Keweenaw, Aspirus is focused on helping the community live happier, 更健康的生活. Key areas of specialty health care include: Women’s Health, 肿瘤学, 整形外科, 心脏病学, 儿科, 门诊治疗, 普通外科, Emergency Care and Diabetes. Aspirus Keweenaw’s medical staff is supported by on-site, state-of-the-art technology to help identify, diagnose and treat a variety of health conditions. Aspirus Keweenaw是一个活跃的社区合作伙伴,全年赞助几个活动. 该组织最受认可的赛事包括在铜港举行的铜人三项赛和在卡卢梅特举行的大鹿追逐山地车赛.

Superior National Bank - Superior National Bank为我们所服务的社区的人们和企业带来便利的全方位服务银行业务和卓越的客户体验.
With a focus on people and customers first, we prioritize innovative thinking, teamwork and the highest levels of integrity. 我们为客户提供广泛的银行服务,包括住宅抵押贷款,这些服务将促进他们的个人和商业前景, consumer and business lending, checking and savings accounts, 财富管理. 该银行还提供网上和手机银行服务,使客户能够在白天或晚上的任何时间管理他们的账户.
Founded in 1890 and headquartered in Hancock, 密歇根, 苏必利尔国家银行在上半岛和密歇根州东南部设有分行.



Brave作品 勇敢的. 大胆的. 大胆的. 勇敢的. 的 Brave作品 team are developers, 主人, 以及为我们的社区创造更好生活方式的品牌运营商.


Upper Peninsula State Bank 致力于在金融服务行业中为客户提供最好的金融服务, 股东, 员工, 和社区. 他们提供抵押贷款, 建设, 除了为个人和企业提供广泛的存款服务外,还提供商业贷款, in addition to an array of trust and investment services

Koppers - Koppers is an integrated global producer of carbon compounds, 化学物质, and treated wood products for the aluminum, 铁路, 特种化工, 实用程序, 橡胶, 钢, 住宅木材, and agriculture industries.  Headquartered in Pittsburgh, 宾西法尼亚, 科珀斯通过全面的全球制造和分销网络为客户提供服务, with facilities located in North America, 南美, 澳大拉西亚, 中国, 和欧洲.

湾电, a Full-service electrical contractor for 密歇根’s Upper Peninsula. 我们的团队孜孜不倦地为您的想法、您的业务和您的家庭提供动力.

Breakwater Federal Credit Union - 最近被称为, MTEFCU成立于1952年,60多年来一直为会员提供优质的金融服务. Membership in our credit union is not limited to 密歇根 Tech Employees. 任何活着的人, 参加学校, 崇拜, 作品, 或在霍顿县或巴拉加镇做生意的人都有资格加入. 信用合作社是提供包括股份储蓄在内的各种金融服务的独特机构, 贷款, and share draft checking. What makes us different? We are owned and governed by our members – people like you!

铜靶场仓库 offers a unique dining experience along the Houghton waterfront, 重点介绍了铜岭铁路的历史和基威诺半岛的深厚采矿历史. Enjoy homestyle cooking with a Southern flair. 的y offer a full breakfast menu, 含羞草酒, 血腥玛丽, 质量牛排, and wonderful original recipe dishes.

MTEC Smartzone

帕特食品公司—— Ben and Joe Campioni who are fourth-generation grocers in the Campioni Family, own and operate 6 grocery stores in the Upper Peninsula of 密歇根-“的 U.P”.  Out of the six locations, 他们还在霍顿(Houghton)的两家节日食品店(festival Foods)提供硬件服务, MI and U-Save River Center in downtown Ontonagon, MI.  他们以出色的客户服务和保持他们家乡的骄傲品质而自豪,当你走进他们的任何地方时,这些品质都代表着他们自己.


Superior Caregivers  - 业主都是密歇根注册会计师,并以优异的成绩毕业于芬兰大学. 两人都在不同的养老院工作了多年,他们看到越来越多的老年人希望留在家里,但没有一点帮助就无法做到. That is where we can help!
日常服务包括准备饭菜、洗澡、清洁和监督. 我们将花时间了解您,并制定适合您具体需求的个性化护理计划.
Companionship is key to a trusted relationship with our caregivers. 我们不仅努力帮助您完成日常工作,而且希望与您建立一种关怀的关系. We provide one-on-one attention and care that cannot compare in other settings.

Superior Land Improvements

罗伊- Nestled along the Portage Shipping Canal in Houghton, Roy’s Pasties and Bakery serves oven-fresh pasties, 焙烤食品, and delicious lunch items that are made from scratch every morning. To ensure each customer’s experience is full of delight, we strive to serve high-quality products, provide gracious service, and create a warm atmosphere every day.

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